Unveiling AI's Role in Content Creation with Originality AI's John Gillham

Unveiling AI's Role in Content Creation with Originality AI's John Gillham

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Have you ever stumbled upon an article or a piece of content online and wondered, "Did someone actually write this, or is it the work of ChatGPT?" In today’s world, where content is produced at an incredible pace, it's becoming increasingly difficult to tell the difference.. and that’s a problem in the age of fake news & blatant misinformation.

Think about it: people are getting their news on social media, X, Youtube or Facebook! With the advancements of AI, it’s hard to tell how something online can be truly authentic. With latest studies showing >12% of Google's search results being AI-generated, it's critical to ensure the integrity of the digital content we consume and create.  

That's where Originality AI comes in! We’re thrilled to host Jon Gillham, founder and CEO on Things Have Changed. as he shares how his team are tackling these issues head-on by developing cutting-edge tech to detect AI-generated content. In a short span of time, Originality AI have achieved remarkable results, and is the most accurate AI Detector in the market for ChatGPT, GPT-4o, Gemini Pro, Claude 3, Llama 3 etc.

So today on Things Have Changed, we'll dive deep into how Originality AI works, its impact on various industries, and why ensuring content authenticity is more important than ever.

The Rise of AI-Generated Content

As AI language models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 become more sophisticated, the line between human and machine-written content is blurring. Estimates suggest that over 90% of new online content could be AI-generated within the next few years. This explosion of AI-created text raises important questions about content authenticity and the future of digital marketing.

Best Tools for Detecting AI-written articles: Originality AI

So how do content creators and publishers identify AI-generated content? Originality AI is at this forefront of AI content detection technology. Their platform uses advanced ML/AI tech trained on millions of examples of both human and AI-generated text which then enables it to identify subtle patterns and characteristics that distinguish AI writing from human content.

Even with all the advancements in AI over the past year, Jon explains how Originality AI's detection capabilities have largely kept pace and that remains to be true for newer, advanced models like GPT-4.

The B2B Focus: Tailoring AI Detection for Digital Marketing

Unlike some AI detection tools aimed at academia or individual writers, Originality AI focuses primarily on the B2B market, particularly digital marketing and web publishing. This specialization allows them to fine-tune their product for the specific needs of content managers and copy editors.

One unique feature of Originality AI is its readability analysis (along similar lines to Grammerly but for AI content), which helps editors improve the clarity and flow of their content. The tool also includes a fact-checking feature, addressing the critical issue of AI hallucinations and factual accuracy in generated content.

The Cat and Mouse Game: AI Generation vs. AI Detection

As AI detection tools become more sophisticated, so do the methods to bypass them. Gillham describes this as a constant "cat and mouse game" between content creators and detectors. One common tactic is using paraphrasing tools to alter AI-generated text, making it harder to detect.

To stay ahead, the company internally employs a "red team" and "blue team" approach. The red team continually tests the limits of the detection system, while the blue team works to improve and update the tool's capabilities.

The Societal Impact of AI-Generated Content

While AI offers tremendous benefits for content creation, it also poses huge societal risks. Misinformation and fake news have flooded the internet over the last few years. Whatsapp, the most popular messaging service in the world, is often the source of obvious misinformation. So much so, the company has dedicated an entire page to call out and prevent forwarded falsehoods. With the advent of ChatGPT, the ease of AI content creation has exponentially amplified this threat. Jon cites examples like AI-generated product reviews or books with potentially dangerous misinformation (e.g., about foraging mushrooms) as areas where AI content can cause serious harm.

The Future of Writing in an AI-Dominated World

As AI continues to advance, many worry about the future of human writers. However, Gillham suggests that AI detection tools may actually help protect the writing industry from being entirely displaced by AI. By providing a way to verify human-authored content, tools like Originality AI ensures that there's still value in human creativity and expertise.

SEO and AI: Navigating Google's Stance on Generated Content

For digital marketers and SEO professionals, understanding Google's approach to AI-generated content is crucial. Gillham notes that while not all AI content is considered spam, Google has taken action against sites with mass-produced AI content. More large scale de-indexing of AI generated content and websites are on the way. This underscores the importance of using AI responsibly and ensuring content quality and originality.

AI is here to stay. At Things Have Changed we believe the future of content creation will likely involve a balanced approach, where we leverage AI's capabilities while preserving the unique value of human creativity and expertise.

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