How Goldman Sachs Is Modernizing From Within – with Matthew Turk

How Goldman Sachs Is Modernizing From Within – with Matthew Turk

Show Notes

Inside the technological changes taking place within Goldman Sachs, and our friend Matthew Turk who is dead center in the middle of this shift.

Banks sit on huge amounts of data, & can deploy deep learning models to improve their financial edge & today's episode is an insight into this complex world.
The top 100 global banks, including Goldman Sachs, are beginning to take Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning strategies very seriously to generate a  Return on Investment (ROI) in the increasingly technologically driven financial services industry.

Disruptive startups have flood the financial market from Stripe, Apple to Transferwise & Square are changing how we pay for things, while digital currencies, peer-to-peer lending, ‘alternative-data’ providers and pay-as-you-go insurance platforms are threatening the universal bank model.

Matt's AI/ ML team at Goldman is at the center of this internal revolution aiming to apply automation to improve speed, access and reliability across a number of businesses, from a customer applying for a personal loan online to a client receiving automatic notifications when they might want to divest from a particular industry or stock.

Matt Turk works at Goldman Sachs as a Machine Learning Quant Analyst to implement complex mathematical models that make decisions about risk management, investments and pricing. Matt studied at UC Berkeley with a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science graduating in 2018.


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